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President Donald J. Trump Commends Gavin Wax

By February 20, 2023No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club thanks President Donald J. Trump for issuing a statement commending Club President Gavin Wax’s article “There is no ‘Trumpism’ Without Trump”, which was published on February 19, 2023 by Townhall.

In the article, Wax noted that “Trump answered the prayers of millions of Americans and delivered on his mandate, unlike any president in modern history.” Without Trump, “the Republican Party will fall back into the Bush-era neoconservatism of old,” yielding “open borders, placating illegal immigrants, and offering watered-down liberalism to win over the votes of new demographics as the founding stock of Americans is washed away.”

In his statement on the article, President Trump noted that other Republicans “don’t know how to talk to the other side, they can’t cajole, be jovial or be, perhaps, angry.”

Wax’s recent article is the latest in a series of pieces he has written underscoring the criticality of President Trump to the promulgation of America First values and policies. It follows the New York Young Republican Club’s endorsement of President Trump in the 2024 Republican primary, which the Club issued on November 15, 2022.