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What We Do…


Our strategic location in the heart of America’s financial and media capital means we are frequently visited by a diverse range of conservative leaders and icons.


Throughout the year, we host various social and networking events that are the perfect place to meet fellow Young Republicans.


We provide a positive and professional rallying point for Young Republicans to support efforts to grow the Republican Party in New York by volunteering on campaigns,  joining the county committee, and running for office.


From clothing and canned food drives, hands-on service work, and various events supporting local charities, we strive to positively impact our community.

What We Believe…

While there are areas where the government should step in to assist American workers, businesses, consumers, and families, it must seek to avoid unnecessary intrusion into the lives of ordinary Americans. The New York Young Republican Club supports getting back to the Founders’ Constitutional vision of limited and self-governance and rejecting the progressive vision of “government without restraints” consolidated within the executive branch by Woodrow Wilson and others presidents. This means cutting the administrative state and reducing the regulatory burden on new and small businesses in America.  

This also means eliminating the role the government has played in destroying American families and incentivizing marriages to the state. In order to get back to Constitutional Government all policy-makers, politicians, and Americans must ask themselves: does this make it easier to raise a family in this country? 

In the post-Cold War era, instead of a promised peace dividend, American families have been squeezed by outsourcing, rising costs in healthcare, childcare, and higher education. These are all areas where the government has stepped in as a guaranteed purchaser and vastly inflated the market, incentivizing growth in the professional, managerial, and administrative costs of these industries, decreasing American families’ purchasing power. Now, inflation is outpacing wage growth. Marriage and birth rates are at historic lows, and we must do everything we can to repair and strengthen American families by organizing our economy around the interests and everyday realities of households.

The New York Young Republican Club believes we must make it easier to raise a family in this country, and we back policies that encourage intact and strong American families. This is especially true in K-12 education policy, where politicians left our children behind during the pandemic. More than ever before, children suffer the indoctrination of leftist successor ideology attempting to subvert America’s traditions, philosophy, culture, and history.

The failures of military action in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya have demonstrated that the United States should not attempt to be the world’s policeman and that the era of unrestrained globalization economically and globalism politically and culturally has been a failure that has brought the world closer to major war than at any time in the past six decades. 

The New York Young Republican Club stresses a restrained, America First foreign policy that prioritizes the national interest over all other considerations. In addition, we favor peace through strength and credible deterrence that could have prevented the conflict  in Ukraine. Finally, we favor peace with honor for our country in foreign affairs and encourage other nations to do the same.

The New York Young Republican Club supports secure borders, economic prosperity, and immigration policy reform. It is imperative that we recognize and rebuke the disregard for rule of law and destruction of national security and sovereignty engendered by the tolerance of an uncontrolled border. This economic and societal transformation brought about by the influx of low-skilled mass migrants cannot be understated and is a key objective of the progressive leftist agenda.

Particularly in an age of global terrorism, drug cartels, and human trafficking, the American people deserve a government that protects and prioritizes their interests over popular appeals to leftist dogma. The development of sanctuary cities across the United States is an active and ongoing effort to undermine our society and expand the ranks of the future Democrat voter base.  

Legal immigration is beneficial to America, and we reassert the important economic and cultural contributions that legal immigrants who have assimilated to American society continue to make to our nation. The lack of attention to and the downright dismissal of existing illegal immigration trends discredit legal immigration.

The New York Young Republican Club supports the rule of law and the protection of citizens as a fundamental pillar of the role of any government in society, and further maintains its essential role in the ordered liberty of this country. In recent years, after years of improvement, crime has gone up across our cities, the rule of law has been disrespected on our streets, and the quality of life has gone down. We unequivocally denounce the Marxists and mob mentality movements on the streets that are incorrect on facts and authoritarian in behavior. 

This country does not just face a crisis of rising crime, but a crisis of fatherlessness, of moral decay, and declining standards in our civics and quality of life that are felt every day by the ordinary and decent law-abiding citizens of this country. 

Securing and ensuring the integrity of our elections cannot be emphasized enough. If the citizens of the United States of America do not have confidence in their elections, then they do not have confidence in governmental actions that follow from those elections. Failures of election integrity pose a key risk because they erode the integrity of one’s citizenship. Just as a country needs borders, a democratic and constitutional republic needs a meaningful citizenship and voting to have any real legitimacy. 

The New York Young Republican Club calls for states to continue their constitutionally given role in legislating and implementing their elections; United States federal elections are in-fact a series of state elections, and the integrity of legal votes and the election process by the letter of the law is instrumental in maintaining the American Republic. The federal government must allow states to act in a manner free from onerous regulation and which addresses local concerns of election integrity. 

The New York Young Republican Club believes that current fiscal and monetary policy in the United States has moved too far in the direction of reckless financing of wasteful and unnecessary government programs, as well as overbearing taxation preventing Americans from choosing to spend the great bulk of their hard-earned dollars the way they see fit (as intended by the Founding Fathers). 

We also believe that current regulatory policies towards the market badly distort the prices of goods and services and greatly increase market inefficiencies, as well as arbitrarily limiting occupational freedom. Accordingly, we call for drastic reductions in  total government spending, the tax burden on Americans, and the abolition of both price controls and occupational licensure reform. We propose to do this by eliminating onerous and unnecessary taxes on individuals, and passing constitutional limits on total government spending as well as government interventions in the market.

The opportunity to innovate and the government’s support of new business and technological innovation has been a cornerstone of American greatness and economic strength since its birth. Policy must support progress and innovation in technology without stifling small business production or the right of American citizens to their free speech and/or privacy.

In addition to reshoring outsourced manufacturing jobs and pursuing Made in America policies, it is also vital to reshore vital chip technologies to the United States. These policies of bringing back the old and consolidating the new right here in America serve the purpose of supporting our own workforce, our families, and building a productive economy and society. 

Furthermore, globalized large tech companies that jeopardize the national security of the United States through their relations and business dealings with totalitarian communist China should be intensely scrutinized. 

In the 21st Century the country that achieves physical security, food security, and energy security will be the best positioned in the world. Last decade, for the first time in years we achieved energy independence from foreign oil, especially from unstable regions of the world. This breakthrough was made possible through innovations in hydraulic fracturing and the shale revolution. Yet, the extreme and radical anti-human and anti-civilization environmental lobby has all but squandered this and the Biden administration has indulged. 

The New York Young Republican Club stands for a technologically, economically, and engineering-sound strategy of delivering cheaper energy to all Americans as well as becoming export rich in this area through a competitive all-the-above, let the best source win strategy. Currently this means cleaner and abundant natural gas, nuclear energy as the most viable alternative, and innovative companies not clouded by an ideological agenda. If there is a technological breakthrough in a new energy area, that’s great–but science and technology must come first, not rule by “The Science.” In the area of agriculture, the United States has the most efficient farming technology in the world and abundant farmland and natural resources to go beyond independence in this area as well. Like in previous eras when national ambition and imagination ran higher, and success and excellence wasn’t looked down upon – the United States should set itself on the ambitious task of becoming so export-dominant in agriculture that feeding the world becomes a possibility. 

Our Numbers…




Years Old

Our Jurisdiction…

The New York Young Republican Club’s jurisdiction covers the entirety of New York City’s five boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island as well as the metropolitan area, spanning the neighboring counties in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.

What They Say…

The New York Young Republican Club is an oasis of free speech and conservative values. There are top of the line speakers in addition to the opportunity to socialize with fellow Republicans. I always look forward to the next event.

Seth SegalUpper East Side

Its not easy moving to New York City as a conservative and finding other young professionals who share similar values. Because of YRs I now have an entire network of people who have become lifelong friends. YRs is more than just a place for networking and speakers.

Lauren CohenHell's Kitchen

The first time I came to a YR event was to watch the 2016 election and I've been coming back ever since. The energy and passion of everyone involved is contagious and has inspired me become more politically active in the city.

Zak ReidMidtown East

How To Join…




General Membership is for those between the ages of 18 and 40 who live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. General Membership gives you access to member-only events, discounted entry to all paid events, branded merchandise, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and the ability to vote and participate in Club governance. This membership renews automatically annually.

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Associate Membership is for those over the age of 40 or anyone who does not live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. Associate Members do not have the ability to vote and participate in Club governance, but they gain access to other benefits of Membership including discounted entry to paid events, branded merchandise, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and access to member-only events. This membership renews automatically annually.

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Sustaining General



Sustaining General Membership is for those between the ages of 18 and 40 who live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. This membership gives you access to member-only events, complimentary entry to all paid events (excluding the annual gala and catered events), discounted entry to the annual gala and catered events, reserved seating, branded merchandise, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and the ability to vote and participate in Club governance. This membership renews automatically monthly.

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Preferred General


Preferred General Membership is for those between the ages of 18 and 40 who live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. This membership gives you complimentary entry to all paid events (excluding the annual gala and catered events), deeply discounted entry to the annual gala and catered events, short meet-and-greets with guest speakers at events, first-in-line access at speaker book signings, guaranteed access to all events even when sold out, access to member-only events, reserved seating, exclusive branded merchandise, discounts from our business sponsors. access to our exclusive jobs board, and the ability to vote and participate in Club governance. This membership renews automatically annually.
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Distinguished General


Distinguished General Membership, our highest and most exclusive tier of membership, is for those between the ages of 18 and 40 who live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. This membership gives you complimentary entry to all paid events, including the annual gala and catered events, membership discount for your guest to all events, open bar at events, meet-and-greets with guest speakers at events, first-in-line access at speaker book signings, guaranteed access to all events even when sold out, access to member-only events, reserved seating, exclusive branded merchandise, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, one copy of the annual Club Book per year, and the ability to vote and participate in Club governance. This membership renews automatically annually.
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Sustaining Associate



Sustaining Associate Membership is for those over the age of 40 or anyone who does not live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. This membership gives you access to member-only events, complimentary entry to paid events (excluding the annual gala and catered events), discounted entry to the annual gala and catered events, reserved seating, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and branded merchandise. This membership renews automatically monthly.

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Preferred Associate


Preferred Associate Membership is for those over the age of 40 or anyone who does not live, work, or study in New York City or the metropolitan area. This membership gives you complimentary entry to paid events (excluding the annual gala and catered events), deeply discounted entry to the annual gala and catered events, short meet-and-greets with guest speakers at events, first-in-line access at speaker book signings, guaranteed access to events even when sold out, access to member-only events, reserved seating, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and exclusive branded merchandise. This membership renews automatically annually.
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Distinguished Associate


Distinguished Associate Membership, our highest and most exclusive tier of membership is for those over the age of 40 or anyone who does not live, work, or study in New York City. This membership gives you complimentary entry to paid events, including the annual gala and catered events, membership discount for your guest to events, open bar at events, meet-and-greets with guest speakers at events, first-in-line access at speaker book signings, guaranteed access to events even when sold out, access to member-only events, reserved seating, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, one copy of the annual Club Book per year. and exclusive branded merchandise. This membership renews automatically annually.
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Lifetime Membership gives you complimentary access to all events, membership discount for your guest to all events, open bar at events, meet-and-greets with guest speakers at events, first-in-line access at speaker book signings, guaranteed access to all events even when sold out, access to member-only events, reserved seating, discounts from our business sponsors, access to our exclusive jobs board, and the ability to vote and participate in Club governance (if you qualify for General Membership). Lifetime Membership also includes one complimentary piece of Club merchandise per year, one copy of the annual Club Book per year, two complimentary VIP tickets to the Annual Gala for yourself and a guest for the first Gala you attend after purchasing Lifetime Membership, as well as lifetime complimentary upgrades to VIP tickets for yourself and one guest for every Gala ticket you purchase thereafter.
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Latest Updates…

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The Guns of an October Surprise 

Anyone who doubts the strength of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign to retake the White House need only examine the desperation oozing from Establishment figures across the nation. The Biden…
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The 1920 Wall Street Bombing: Remembered

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God Save President Trump

Democrats and the lying press got what they have openly sought: yet another attempt on President Donald J. Trump’s life. President Trump is the undisputed champion of American excellence, and…
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Support Our Mission…

The New York Young Republican Club is a grassroots non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of members and donors to support its operations. We hope you will consider a donation today so that we remain a bastion of conservative values for many years to come!



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“Never forget, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy; the professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it.”

President Richard M. Nixon

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