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The New York Young Republican Club has several standing committees that are important to building a stronger and more effective Club and Republican Party in New York City and the metropolitan area. We welcome any of our members to get more active in our committees to promote Republican ideals throughout the five boroughs.

If you wish to join a committee, please email the committee’s chairman or chairwoman or use the form below. 

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Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee serves as an advisory resource to the President. Assisting the President in scheduling, appointments, and other duties consequential to the office. 

  • Chairman: Michael R. Bovasso (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Aleksei Sincerbeaux
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Paolo A. Pironi
    • Mohammad T. Hossain

Campaigns Committee

The Campaigns Committee is charged with overseeing all political campaign work done by members of the Club and for developing new ideas on how to utilize the Club for political activities best.

  • Chairman: Mario J. Nicoletto (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Recording Secretary: Kritonas Dionysiou
  • Corresponding Secretary: Vacant
  • Members:
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee promotes Club activities within the press and other media. Further, the Committee prepares all publications issued by the Club and distributes such information concerning the Club or its members’ activities as approved by the Board of Governors.  The Committee has charge of assisting the Corresponding Secretary in all communications and marketing-related activities. 

  • Chairwoman: Alexis C. Winters (
  • Co-Chairwoman: Chelsea J. Hall
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Ilana A. Markstein (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Trenton H. Pande

Design Committee

 The Design Committee is responsible for the creation of all graphic and branding materials for the Club. 

  • Chairwoman: Becky N. Oliveira (
  • Vice-Chairwoman: Alexis C. Winters
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Ilana A. Markstein
    • Yitz Friedman
    • Grace A. Nardi
    • Mario J. Nicoletto
  • Merchandise Sub-Committee: 
    • Chairwoman: Vacant
    • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
    • Secretary: Vacant

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee assists the Treasurer and any other committee in all financial-related activities.

  • Chairman: Matthew I. Antar (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Claire E. Walsh (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Elizabeth S. Ruh

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee assists in matters related to the procurement of donations to facilitate Club activities.

  • Chairman: John M. Kyriakides (
  • Vice-Chairman: Jonathan R. Turco
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Claire E. Walsh (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

Gala Committee

The Gala Committee is responsible for overseeing the entire planning process for the Club’s Annual Gala.

  • Chairman: Brent A. Morden (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

History Committee

The History Committee is responsible for the management, cultivation, and dissemination of the Club’s archives.

  • Chairman: Aldo J. Solares (
  • Vice-Chairman: Michael C. DeBenedetto III
  • Secretary: Katherine F. Bartley
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Troy M. Olson
    • Jude A. Somefun

House Committee

The House Committee oversees the operations of the Clubhouse and is responsible for improvements, repairs, cleaning, and maintenance of the space. 

  • Chairwoman: Elizabeth S. Ruh (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant 
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Carlos A. Genao-Faria
    • Jason P. Kovacic
    • Eric J. Palummieri
    • Kenan Wei

International Committee

The International Committee is the diplomatic arm of the Club, responsible for overseeing relationships with political organizations and individuals internationally. The committee engages with like-minded parties globally, fostering mutually beneficial relationships and promoting the Club’s vision and interests.

  • Chairman: Laurent “JP” Treguier (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant 
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

Law Committee

The Law Committee serves to ensure Club compliance with all laws and legal mandates, advise the club on legal matters, and keep the club abreast of legal policy issues. 

  • Chairman:  Philip J. Leggio (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Recording Secretary: Michael C. DeBenedetto III
  • Corresponding Secretary: Leah M. Cepeda
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Jennifer M. Jernstedt
    • Ankit Kapoor
    • Alexander B. Zhik
    • Konstantinos Poulidis

Media Committee

The Media Committee oversees the creative direction and production of internal content and maintains relations with mainstream and alternative media that further the beliefs and goals of the Club, bringing attention to issues of both local and national importance.

  • Chairman: Ian C. McMath  (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Keith R. Rapp
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Joshua D. Lobel
    • Donovan Valencia

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee plans and coordinates the recruitment, retention, and renewal of members. It also has concurrent jurisdiction, with the Board of Governors, over admission to membership in the Club. It has the power to make suitable rules and regulations governing such admission not inconsistent with the Club’s Bylaws. 

  • Chairwoman: Jane C. Newman (
  • Co-Chairwoman: Ashley D. Ramsey
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Alexander Ben Shmuel Zhik (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Ilana A. Markstein

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee has jurisdiction over facilitating relationships with other clubs and organizations.

  • Chairwoman: Savannah A. Craven (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Seth I. Segal
    • Ari Barnett

Philanthropy Committee

The Philanthropy Committee oversees all charitable activities on behalf of the Club. 

  • Chairman: Jude A. Somefun (
  • Vice-Chairman: John S. Qualia
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Chelsea J. Hall

Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is charged with advising and educating the Club’s membership on empirical, research-based public policy to advance the objects of the Club.  The Policy Committee is primarily responsible for drafting policy briefs detailing and clarifying the official policy positions adopted by the Board of Governors or full membership upon convention assembly and coordinating ad hoc research responsibilities.

  • Chairman: Frank J. Filocomo (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Ian M. Gregory
    • Michael R. Bartels
    • Nachman C. Mostofsky
    • Hendrik T. Blommestein
    • Maaneli Derakhshani
    • Troy M. Olson

Press Committee

The Press Committee is charged with fostering the Club’s relations with the press and soliciting press coverage for the Club’s activities.

  • Chairman: Lucian B. Wintrich IV (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee shall be responsible for sourcing, writing, and curating materials for regular Club publications.

  • Chairman: Nicholas T. Rafael Jr. (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Becky N. Oliveira
  • Members: 
    • Ilana A. Markstein (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Michael C. DeBenedetto III
    • Alexis C. Winters

Recruitment Committee

The Recruitment Committee is charged with identifying and soliciting potential new members.

  • Chairwoman: Gianna N. Prignano (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Ashley D. Ramsey
    • Matthew I. Antar
    • Alexander B. Zhik
    • Alexandra M. Zoarski

Rules Committee

The Rules Committee determines Club standards and conduct for all members and is authorized to enforce such rules and standards. The Rules Committee recommends disciplinary actions, including but not limited to expulsions from the Club, to the Executive Committee for final approval. The Rules Committee is also charged with keeping the Bylaws up-to-date and suggesting possible changes and amendments to the Bylaws.

  • Chairman: Konstantinos Poulidis (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Alexander Ben Shmuel Zhik (Ex-Officio)
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)
    • Troy M. Olson
    • Philip J. Leggio

Socials Committee

The Socials Committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating all social activities for the Club. The Socials Committee shall assist the Speakers Committee for all speaker events, functions, and meetings on behalf of the Club.

  • Chairwoman: Francesca J. Massey (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)

Speakers Committee

The Speakers Committee shall be responsible for planning speaker events, functions, and meetings on behalf of the Club. The Speakers Committee shall assist the Socials Committee for all social events, functions, and meetings on behalf of the Club.

  • Chairwoman: Ashley D. Mocarski (
  • Co-Chairwoman: Macayle A. Carey (
  • Vice-Chairman: Vacant
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Members: 
    • Gavin M. Wax (Ex-Officio)
    • Nathan E. Berger (Ex-Officio)
    • Viswanag B. Burra (Ex-Officio)