Congratulations to Chris Jacobs for receiving the Republican nomination in the special election for the 27th Congressional District. The New York Young Republican Club was proud to endorse Chris Jacobs…
The New York Young Republican Club supports the four below-referenced bills, each of which would remedy defects in New York’s existing public policy regarding abortion. Bills A.6473-Murray and A.7119-Lawrence would…
Bill A.6545 - Crespo would make it unlawful for anyone to perform, or to attempt to perform, an abortion “with knowledge that the pregnant female is seeking the abortion solely…
The New York Health Act (Bill S.3577-Rivera/A.5248-Gottfried) would create a government controlled single-payer health insurance system in the State of New York. If this bill were passed, most private health…
Poverty is a major problem here in New York and across the country. While poverty statistics vary, reported that 14% of Americans lived in poverty in 2016. Many low-income…
The New York Young Republicans would like to congratulate Marc Molinaro on his re-election as Dutchess County Executive. We were proud to endorse Marc for re-election and we will be…
The New York Young Republicans would like to congratulate Bob Helbock on his astounding victory for Judge of the Civil Court in the First Municipal Court District. We were proud…
Last month, the New York Young Republicans were proud to endorse Nick Langworthy for New York State GOP Chair. Today, we are proud to congratulate him on his victory in…
The New York Young Republicans stand firmly against the New York State Senate’s vote to allow convicted felons to serve as jurors. Believing that felons should serve on a jury…