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The Rigging of NYC Elections

By January 15, 2022No Comments

Yet again, Democrats are changing the meaning of words to steal elections. In 2020, we saw an unprecedented attack on state election laws via very well-organized lawsuits from numerous left-wing groups. They succeeded in undermining our democracy by erasing state election integrity laws purportedly as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. What Democrats learned from Biden’s narrow margin of victory in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia is that, when they can make elections into a free-for-all, they come out on top.  New York City Democrats have now passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, erasing longstanding common-sense rules yet again, to rig elections and dilute the voting power of the American people.

The New York Young Republican Club wholeheartedly opposes this effort. We fully support the Republican National Committee’s efforts to ensure voter integrity across the United States, including in New York City, by suing Eric Adams, the New York City Board of Elections and the New York City Council to prevent this law from going into effect. We are proud that four of our Club’s members are parties in this lawsuit alongside the RNC and NYRSC: Joseph Borrelli, Inna Vernikov, David Carr, and Vickie Paladino. We believe that they will succeed as the Democrats’ heinous law violates the New York Constitution and multiple state laws.

Article II & IX of the New York Constitution explicitly limits voting to citizens by stating that “[e]very citizen shall be entitled to vote”. Section 5-102(1) of Chapter 17 of the Laws of New York, the Election Law, even goes further, limiting voting and registration to those who are “a citizen of the United States.” Finally, Section 23(2)(e) of Chapter 36-a of the Laws of New York, the Municipal Home Rule Law, limits election law changes to those conducted via public referendum, inherently voiding the non-citizens voting law as it was passed through the City Council and permitted to become law unsigned by Eric Adams.

We will continue to watch as this litigation proceeds, and we will remain vigilant against the Democrat Party’s effort to disenfranchise American voters.