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Supporting Mohammad Anwar

By April 6, 2021No Comments

Mohammad Anwar was killed in the middle of the afternoon on March 23rd, just outside Nationals Park in Washington D.C. A graphic video shows two teenage girls carjacking Mr. Anwar before speeding away and crashing, leaving him for dead near the wreckage. Police say the girls, ages 13 and 15, assaulted Anwar with a taser while carjacking him. The two teenage girls have been charged with felony murder and armed carjacking.

The New York Young Republican Club expresses extreme shock and anger at the brutal killing of Mohammad Anwar. He was a law-abiding Pakistani immigrant who was murdered while trying to do his job and provide for his family. He did not deserve to die in cold blood and his story deserves to be heard. We live in a society where the media provides obsessive coverage of horrific crimes only when they can be used to advance their agenda. Mohammad Anwar’s life mattered too. 

The New York Young Republican Club calls upon Democratic mayors, whose cities have seen a drastic rise in crime, to enforce laws as written. There have been over 100 carjackings in Washington D.C. this year compared with just 22 during the same period in 2020. Mayor Bowser, who encouraged months of “Defund the Police” riots last year, failed to condemn the vile killing of Mohammad Anwar. Instead, she took the opportunity to post a tweet calling auto theft a “crime of opportunity”. This is a blatantly egregious and tone-deaf initial response to an appalling crime. 

The two girls charged in the killing of Mohammad Anwar have reportedly reached a plea deal ensuring they will not be placed in a prison facility or held past the age of 21. This new report is extremely concerning and unacceptable, especially since one of the girls has allegedly been involved in more than one previous crime. Offering the girls responsible for Mohammad Anwar’s death a plea deal is a slap in the face to hard-working, legal immigrants and to the rule of law. Laws become meaningless when there are no enforceable repercussions for breaking them. The New York Young Republican Club urges Mayor Bowser to demand that the teens charged in Mohammad Anwar’s killing be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

We pray for the family of Mohammad Anwar, and we ask that you join us in supporting his family through this devastating time.

Please click this link if you would like to donate to the GoFundMe campaign set up to help Mohammad Anwar’s family.