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Supporting Homeschooling Rights

By July 13, 2020No Comments

Bill S.5131-A-Robach/A.8969-Woerner, the Equal Access Bill, would require fair practices by colleges and universities in regard to the admission of homeschooled high school graduates and graduates of non-public schools. The bill provides as follows:

The commissioner [of education] shall not require a pupil who has completed the requirements of a home instruction education or a non-public school program, and who has submitted test scores and other admissions material used by post-secondary institutions that qualify the pupil for admission to an institution of higher education, to obtain or submit proof of having obtained a general education development [GED] certificate or any accredited diploma.

The bill further provides that notarized transcripts showing that a homeschooled student or a nonpublic school student has completed a high school education shall be accepted by colleges and universities, and that such students shall be “admitted on an equal basis with all other applicants, regardless of educational background.” Finally, the bill states that college degrees and diplomas may not be withheld from homeschooled students or students from non-public schools who have completed the applicable requirements.

The purpose of this bill is to prevent homeschooled students and students from non-public schools from being subjected to unfair treatment. Some homeschooled high school graduates have reported that colleges and other programs have declined to recognize them as high school graduates and have directed them to obtain general education development certificates (GEDs) as a prerequisite to their admission. Neither homeschooled high school graduates nor graduates of non-public high schools should be required by colleges or universities to undergo tests or obtain certificates that are not required of other students.

Therefore, The New York Young Republican Club urges members of the Legislature to support the Equal Access Bill.