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Statement on Hochul’s Attack on the Second Amendment

By July 3, 2022No Comments

The Second Amendment protects the God-given right of every American to bear arms. 246 years ago this weekend, our Founding Fathers declared certain truths to be self-evident, including the truth that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. Friday, Governor Hochul signed into law an act that continues in the disgraceful tradition of the Stamp Acts and Townshend Acts, not established by our forefathers but by the very oppressive powers against which they rebelled. 

It has become increasingly apparent that the Hochul and her Far-Left tyrannical sycophants within New York and across the country do not derive their power from the consent of the governed, but rather from their own self-serving ends, and that these ends are destructive to the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of law-abiding New Yorkers. 

It is our position that Friday’s legislation is unconstitutional and antithetical to the very notions of freedom that we celebrate this weekend. The New York Young Republican Club intends to continue to fight, and to fight harder than ever before, to secure these basic rights and liberties which our Governor so wantonly and carelessly dismisses.

We intend to keep arms, and we intend to bear arms. And we trust that the law will let us do so in Times Square, in Central Park, on the subway, and everywhere else in New York City.