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NYYRC Voter Guide for the 2024 Presidential Election

By October 24, 2024October 27th, 2024No Comments

The following voter guide recommends a vote to re-elect President Trump and deliver him a Republican House and Senate.

For the ballot proposals we recommend a resounding “No” on Ballot Proposal 1. We recommend a “Yes” on Ballot Proposal 2, and a “No” on the remaining Ballot Proposals 3 through 6.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. U.S. Citizens will vote for the President, Members of Congress in the House and one-third of the Senate, and here in New York for ballot proposals, New York State Assembly and Senate, and Civil Court Judges in New York City.

Early voting begins on October 26th and goes until November 3rd. For more information about voting in New York please find the following resources and links:

Vote NYC

Swamp the Vote

Our city – with its indicted mayor, cashless bail, rampant crime, and appalling homelessness epidemic – is in desperate need of radical change; we can not go on like this for much longer. This is not ideological; this is about ensuring the safety and welfare of law-abiding New Yorkers, not repeat-offenders, gang members, and illegal migrants. Moreover, we live in a city devoid of law and order: thugs who abuse law enforcement officers face little to no punitive punishment, fair-evaders cost the MTA hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and “citizenship” has effectively lost all functional meaning.

This all, however, will remain the same if we stand idly by and allow progressive ideologues to dominate Federal, State, and City government. Something needs to change.


Donald J. Trump and JD Vance

On November 15th, 2022, shortly after the midterm elections when many were counting him out, the New York Young Republican Club proudly became one of the earliest if not the earliest major endorser of President Donald J. Trump. We looked forward to his re-election in a few weeks and returning this country to glory and greatness, peace and prosperity. You can read our full endorsement of President Trump from 2022 here.

JD Vance was an inspired selection as his running mate and ensures that the America First movement is and will continue to be the most relevant and grassroots political movement in the 21st Century.

  • Delivering A Republican Congress for President Trump’s Second Term

It is crucial to deliver a Republican House and Senate for the second Trump administration in order to accomplish the legislative goals of President Trump and set the country back on the path toward renewal.

Specifically in New York, NYYRC has endorsed the following candidates for Congress:

Mike LiPetri (NY-3rd Congressional District)

Paul King (NY-5th Congressional District)

Outside of New York the Club has also endorsed Dr. Michael Goldstein for Connecticut’s Fourth Congressional District.

Finally, for Congress if there is a Republican candidate on your ballot, vote for them. Vote straight-ticket Republican and deliver the House and the Senate for a trifecta in the second Trump administration.

  • Breaking the Democrat Supermajority in New York

While we anticipate a good night for national politics, and New York will be a big part of that, it is also crucial we continue to build back political power at the state and local level. To this end, progress must be made. Currently, one-party Democrat misrule has supermajorities in both the New York State Senate and Assembly. We must break those supermajorities and continue to party-build from there.

NYYRC Endorsed candidates:

Michael O’Reilly for New York State Senate District 10

Yiatin Chu for New York State Senate District 11

Marko Kepi for New York State Senate District 23

Tom Sullivan for New York State Assembly District 23

Kenneth Paek for New York State Assembly District 25

Brandon Castro for New York State Assembly District 30

Straight ticket Republican elsewhere if there is a Republican candidate on your ballot for the office.

Write-in you favorite NYYRC member if there is not one.

For the Judicial Offices, New York City will be electing Civil Court Judges, one in each Municipal Court District, while also electing six Judges of the Civil Court at the county level, and two Justices of the Supreme Court in the 1st Judicial District. There is not a single Republican candidate for any of these Judicial Offices. This Club, with over 1,300 members in good standing, implores the Republican County Chairs with utilizing us as a resource to help fill in these offices. While fielding more candidates in New York City has improved at other levels of government, this is left entirely open.

Therefore, as with some of the state legislative offices, if you do not see a Republican candidate on your ballot line, feel free to write in your favorite NYYRC member.


Ballot Proposal 1 – Equal Protection of Law Amendment

This proposal would expand the New York State Constitution’s protections against discrimination based on gender identity and age. The age component here would effectively erode parental rights by giving primacy to the state as it relates to decisions concerning children. Furthermore, it would also deeply threaten women’s sports and women’s rights. Proposal 1 should be resoundly rejected by all true supporters of equality and justice under the law in New York.

Our view: Vote “No”

Ballot Proposal 2: Expansion of the Department of Sanitation’s power to “clean streets and other City property and require disposal of waste in containers.”

This proposal is worthy of your affirmative vote. This city has a well known rat problem and any city of this size is going to struggle to keep its streets clean. The Department of Sanitation is one of the best agencies in the city.

Our view: Vote “Yes”

Ballot Proposal 3: Amend City Charter to “require fiscal analysis from the Council before hearings and votes on laws, authorize fiscal analysis from the Mayor, and update budget deadlines.”

This is not a realistic mandate and largely already happens for the most important issues from the city. We would like to see more fiscal discipline and sanity from the City Council and Mayoral administration and one need only compare the trajectory of public spending, especially emergency spending and unfunded mandates to know that this city is spending beyond its means and what prudent good governance requires for many years now.

Our view: Vote “No”

Ballot Proposal 4: The requirement of “additional public notice and time before the City Council votes on laws respecting the public safety operations of the Police, Correction, or Fire Departments.”

Given the current climate of this city and balance of power this notice would largely help efforts of those who seek to jam up our public safety operations and core agencies.

Our view: Vote “No”

Ballot Proposal 5: This proposal would “require more detail in the annual assessment of City facilities, mandate that facility needs inform capital planning, and update capital planning deadlines.”

The current assessments have sufficient detail for these purposes and the voters need not weigh in on matters of this detail.

Our view: Vote “No”

Ballot Proposal 6: This proposal would allow the Chief Business Diversity Officer to authorize film permits.

While there does need to be clarity and reforms to the authorization of film permits in the City, and importantly, public notice that includes more community input on productions that uproot the daily lives of New Yorkers beyond what is reasonable, this authorization does none of that.

Our view: Vote “No”

Finally, this City needs much broader reforms put to the voters than these proposals. Outside of the Sanitation Ballot Proposal 2, these ballot proposals get into details that few in the city will take the time to be informed on while deliberately missing the big picture of the unfunded and unconstitutional “mandates” that the voting public never agreed to like guaranteeing a right to housing and education to seemingly everyone on planet Earth if they can make their way to New York City.

Loudly reject Ballot Proposal 1, vote in favor of Ballot Proposal 2, and the other four should have been entirely different proposals.