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NYSYR Appointments

By August 16, 2021No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club congratulates our President, Gavin Wax, and Corresponding Secretary, Ilana Marcus, on their respective elections to the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs’ Governing Board as Corresponding Secretary and National Committeewoman respectively. We also congratulate our Outreach Chairman, Fernando Acosta Jr., on his appointment as Metropolitan Regional Vice Chairman of the same organization.

Gavin, Ilana, and Fernando will each have a direct role in the Association of New York State’s Young Republican Clubs through supporting local clubs throughout the state. Our effort, determination, and network to the Republican cause are not confined to the five boroughs as our shared leadership with the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs will reach all corners of the state and ultimately the nation. The New York Young Republican Club is happy to be part of this mission.