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Announcing our new Jobs Board

By July 30, 2021No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to announce the creation of our new jobs board! This will be accessible exclusively to our members on our website.

If you have been fired from your job due to your political views or due to noncompliance with unfounded and nonsensical COVID vaccination/mask policies and are looking for work, check this out. Covering political campaigns, right-wing media groups, pro-life organizations, and more, our listed positions are sourced through our political contacts and associates. We have confidence that they are right-leaning and safe environments for our members. If you have been outcasted in the current “woke” corporate America jobs market plaguing our country, then please utilize our platform.

If you are an entrepreneur or in management, share our values, and looking to hire, please send us any openings you have and we will happily list them on our website.