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Endorsement: David Carr for City Council (CD-50)

By January 22, 2021No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse David Carr for New York City’s 50th City Council District seat. A native, lifelong resident of Grasmere, Staten Island and current Chief of Staff to New York City Council Minority Leader Steven Matteo, David attended Monsignor Farrell High School and received an AB in Government, History, and Theology from Georgetown University before dedicating his life to public service.

David’s passion for government and public service began from an early age, preparing mailings and doing literature drops for Guy Molinari’s final run for Borough President. He has served in various roles for elected officials, including Campaign Field Coordinator, Deputy Political Director, and Campaign Manager, as well as a Constituent Services Representative for the U.S. House of Representatives. In handling a broad range of issues from constituent and community concerns to legislative efforts in City Hall, David has served a critical role in Steven Matteo’s productive service since 2014, with a particular focus on small business. He has been an active member of the Staten Island Republican Party’s County Committee (SIGOP) since 2009 and its Executive Committee since 2012, and would be the first openly gay Republican to serve on NY City Council.

David has diligently served his local community through over a decade of public service and is the ideal candidate to replace term-limited Steven Matteo, who has proudly endorsed him. David’s demonstrated community leadership, selfless public service, and extensive local government experience will serve the District well. The New York Young Republican Club urges all voters within New York’s 50th City Council District to stop the advance of Communism and hyper-partisanship by supporting David Carr to be their next City Councilman.