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Congratulations Congressman Lee Zeldin

By June 29, 2022No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club congratulates Congressman Lee Zeldin on his gubernatorial primary victory last night. Now it is time to come together as one united Republican Party and take back Albany so we can begin the process of turning our city and state around and Saving New York.

Sixty percent of Republicans are allowed to be briefly disappointed if their preferred candidate did not win, but, by today, that disappointment must be translated into newfound energy to unite behind Congressman Zeldin. Zeldin’s success upstate and in Long Island, as well as revitalized energy in New York City, will help us bring Republican leadership back to Albany.

Eight years of rule and low turnout and civics in New York City have taken their toll, as have over a decade of Cuomo-Hochul rule over the state. Political monopolies are bad no matter where they exist and the outcomes have been consistently trending in the wrong direction.

As a post-9/11 Army Veteran, Congressman Zeldin knows what it means to sacrifice and serve the State and Country that he loves. As a family man, he knows that it is not just political, but personal when it comes to building a state that works and protects all of our children. And as a leader, at the state and federal levels he has seen firsthand the downward slide that we’re on.

Republicans, young and young at heart, must congratulate Congressman Lee Zeldin on his victory, say thank you to Andrew Giuliani, Rob Astorino, and Harry Wilson for running hard-fought and spirited campaigns that contribute to the growth of the party—and now we must unite and move onward to victory. Saving New York depends on it.

Congressman Zeldin, congratulations from the New York Young Republican Club to you and your family—we’re ready to help and assist in any way that we can.