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Biden Regime Denigrates the Defenders of American Pioneers

By July 26, 2024No Comments

In their latest attempt to control history, which is always really about the present, the late and fading Biden Regime and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who probably answers to no one at this point, have ordered that the military reevaluate the merits of the twenty Medals of Honor, our nation’s highest military honor, awarded for valor in the Battle of Wounded Knee.  

The New York Young Republican Club believe that those who often gave the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America, as many Medal of Honor winners did, should not have their graves, honor, and legacy dug up to serve political agendas.  

The lie promulgated in schools over the past half century that the murderous Sioux were a peaceful people innocently minding their own business before settlers “stole” “their” land is actually the history that needs to be re-written. 

The Indian Wars, and in particular the Sioux Wars, were an imperative effort that the United States undertook to conquer its territory and secure its citizens. The terror that the Sioux rained down on American pioneers and the barbarous attacks they undertook against military and civilian targets merit scrutiny and attention. These were no innocent, peaceful peoples; they were monstrous in their savagery. 

It is unsurprising that a Regime which refuses to protect its citizens from a mass invasion of illegals lacks the capacity to recognize the valiant efforts of soldiers who fought the Indian Wars and restored peace to our land; that regime and its feckless leader see no duty to Americans. That must change. 

As President Trump noted in reference to statues, the Left’s effort to desecrate the heroes of our past will never be satiated. Patriots must oppose these revisionist, amoral, and ahistorical desecration of our history and heritage. 

The Biden Regime’s stunt is a desperate attempt to tie every news cycle to race and cultural identity, as they did in 2020. Their philosophy is not interested in getting to the truth of history; they only care to revel in their visceral hatred for Western Civilization.  

We condemn Secretary Austin’s move, and we look forward to his effort going nowhere because the Biden Administration is in its final death throes. His successor, Donald J. Trump, will repudiate this attack, which serves only the power-hungry goals of leftist ideologues.