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A Time for Choosing – World Peace or “Mostly Peaceful”?

By August 6, 2024No Comments

Few Americans more clearly failed their nation than did Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey during the so-called “Summer of Love” that followed the martyrdom of St. George Floyd. The restrictions placed on law-abiding Americans that summer, which prevented them from seeing friends and family, from attending school or work, or worshipping with their congregations, did not apply to looters and arsonists in Walz and Frey’s domain. After he failed the basic test of leadership in the face of a fake pandemic, Cackling Kamala selected Walz as her running mate in this year’s presidential election.

Let’s see how that goes.

Walz represents the last gasp of the fading Democrat coalition. Cackling Kamala selected him for purposes of “optical moderation” to distract from the validity of her campaign. Astroturfed by media and coastal elites, Cackling Kamala runs a policy-free campaign because she (and her far-higher-IQ-but-just-as-evil advisors) knows her beliefs to be too radical for open discussion on the campaign trail.

But set aside Cackling Kamala’s positions; let’s review where Walz stands:

Walz has signed bills mandating tampons in boys’ bathrooms and kidnapping children from parents who oppose minors opting for irreversible genital mutilation. Walz pals around with the House Hamas Caucus, embracing Ilhan Omar and AOC, and, as Governor of Minnesota, has enabled obscene levels of welfare fraud and open corruption. He turns an acutely blind eye to the Somali community, which has a long-documented history of voter fraud in the state. 

The Harris-Walz ticket is nonexistent on the issues that matter to most Americans and the challenges facing our nation. Cackling Kamala (nor her demented boss Joe) hasn’t even bothered to comment on the recent attack on American soldiers in Iraq, where Democrats have assured us that conflict is ostensibly over.

The President Donald J. Trump and his team will advance an America First future that prioritizes our nation—our people, our home, our heritage—over foreign entities. Cackling Kamala and Wimpy Walz represent a cultural Marxist successor ideology oriented on selling out this country to our adversaries. Cackling Kamala proved by choosing a non-swing state governor as running mate that her internal polling shows a tight race, where a state like Minnesota (the only state won by Walter Mondale when he faced President Ronald Reagan) is in play.

Democrat strategists want Cackling Kamala to vibe and meme her way into the White House and for Tim Walz to put on a flannel shirt and fool enough moderates and independents into going along with it. It’s a cynical and insulting strategy to the American people. But they think it can work. 

Prove them wrong. 

The New York Young Republican Club is thrilled that Cackling Kamala selected the weak rube Wimpy Tim Walz as her running mate. The contrasts have never been greater; we look forward to President Donald J. Trump defeating Cackling Kamala Harris in November and returning to his rightful place in the White House on January 20, 2025.