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State of the Club Address 1997

Presented by President Anton Srdanovic, January 1997.

1996 was a busy and exciting time for the Club. We have had several Club sponsored events which were huge successes. Our fundraiser for John Ravitz was his largest small fundraiser. We had volunteers staffing the Dole/Kemp campaign, Michael Benjamin’s bid for Congress, and John Ravitz’s re-election campaign for the State Assembly.

Although there were disappointments, the Republicans held the House and Senate despite the huge influx of campaign money from the AFL-CIO. We can take pride in the results of John Ravitz’s successful re-election. His seat was targeted by the State Assembly Democrats with a great deal of money and manpower yet, with our Club’s help, he merged victorious.

We have also had a great deal of growth in Club membership. Our size has doubled over the past year. With this growth and the time pressure of the campaign season, we have had some difficulty in distributing regular newsletters and calling members for special events. The best way to overcome this is to check the message line regularly and provide us with an e-mail address.

Looking ahead we have a host of events planned; just take a look at the calendar for the next six months! We also have some exciting projects lined up. During the last board meeting, a vote was taken to allocate funds for our own Internet Web page which will be coming soon. For those of you with e-mail addresses, we will now be able to communicate Club events through the internet.

I look forward to seeing each of you during the events of the coming months. As always, please tell a friend!