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State of the Club Address 1942

Presented by President Charles M. Metzner1942.

The New York Young Republican Club has been in existence for more than 30 years.  Our purpose and function are threefold: First, we seek to interest Young and able men in the theory and practice of politics; Second, we maintain a year-round program for the purpose of politically educating the membership and generating political interest, with vigorous emphasis upon the various local, state, and national campaign.  Third, we attempt to so interest and educate our members in politics that when they cease to become active in the regular Republican organizations, — in this manner we hope to become a source of future organization and public leadership. 

The Club has always been progressive and liberal, insisting on the necessity and desirability of thoughtfully considered change.  The Club’s attitude towards contemporaneous political events has been rendered effective by those who have graduated from it.  It is properly proud of such distinguished graduates as Thomas E. Dewey, Newbold Morris, Thomas I. Curran, Thomas C. Desmond, Frederic R. Coudert, Jr., and a host of others who have given constructive leadership to the Republican party.  

The war in which we are now engaged necessarily affected the interests of our members.  Some 145 active members have been inducted into the armed forces and others have taken various positions to aid the defense effort.  Notwithstanding this fact, the Club has continued a full program designed to emphasize the need for young people to think seriously on political matters in all of their phases.  When the conflict is over, leadership provided by youth will be as important as is the manpower now being furnished to successfully conclude the war.  We are furnishing the manpower and, through our activities, will endeavor to furnish future leadership.