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Endorsement: Jeff Sessions for United States Senate

By July 7, 2020No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for United States Senate to represent the State of Alabama.

As a lifelong Alabamian and four-term U.S. Senator, Senator Sessions has represented Alabama and America’s best interests through various public servant roles – from Captain in the United States Army Reserve to United States attorney to Alabama Attorney General to U.S. Senator to United States Attorney General – during a storied career over more than four decades. Senator Session’s early support for President Trump, strong stance against global communism and the Chinese Communist Party, efforts to redomicile critical health and technology production lines, and strict belief in our Constitution position him as the ideal candidate to further Alabama and America’s interests in these turbulent times. Senator Sessions is unafraid to stand up for American interests and has been subject to personal sanctions and asset freezes by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his defense of American pastor Andrew Brunson in 2018.

Starting from his time as a Young Republican in the 1960s, Senator Sessions has long believed and demonstrably worked to ensure that American families and workers come first. His decades of experience, focus on accountability, and willingness to stand for his beliefs and the beliefs of millions of Americans are needed in Washington now more than ever before. The New York Young Republican Club urges all voters in Alabama to stop the advance of socialism and support the re-election of Jeff Sessions as their Senator.