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Endorsement: Billy Prempeh for Congress (NJ-9)

By September 17, 2021No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Billy Prempeh for New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District. Prempeh is a proud first-generation American, Air Force Veteran, and child of Ghanaian immigrants. Prempeh was born October 15th, 1989 in Paterson, New Jersey, where he attended John F. Kennedy High School and graduated in 2008. On September 1st, 2009, Prempeh enlisted in the United States Air Force and was stationed at RAF Mildenhall England, United Kingdom, specializing in Aerospace Ground Equipment as a Journeyman. Upon completion of his military service, Prempeh returned to Paterson to work in sales, marketing, and as a professional wrestler. 

Paterson’s crime and unemployment had gone through the roof and the living conditions had utterly collapsed, and thus, Prempeh decided to take responsibility and correct this crisis at home by running for the United States Congress and challenging a 40-year Democratic incumbent, Bill Pascrell. In his own words, Prempeh views our political leadership as “out of touch and unresponsive.”

“A public servant in the U.S. Congress is an honorable duty, not a lifelong career. No Congressman should be allowed to remain in the House of Representative for more than 8 years,” states Prempeh.

If elected to the United States Congress, Prempeh will focus on the following:  

  • Increasing employment and improving living standards 
  • Reducing crime
  • Advocating for school choice
  • Fighting for fair and lawful immigration policy 
  • Protecting the Second Amendment  
  • Instituting term limits (eight years for Congressional representation)
  • Continuing to be a proud patriot and supporter of the Constitution and our nation’s history
  • Increasing funding for police to include better training

As a first-generation American, Prempeh is passionate about fairness in our immigration system. Prempeh’s parents legally immigrated to the United States and worked hard to provide for their family. Prempeh’s thirteen relatives also followed suit and became hard-working United States citizens. 

In discussing the recent change in United States immigration policy, Prempeh stated, 

“It’s not fair that my family worked so hard for the great opportunity of being Americans…no one should be able to skip the line.”  

In terms of leadership, Prempeh looks to former Congressman Ron Paul and President Donald Trump:

“A lot of my political views are formed from Ron Paul. I look up to Ron Paul for his firm stance on fiscal responsibility, pro-life advocacy, and dedication to protecting people’s health. I also look up to President Donald Trump. He came in as an outsider.  The media tried their best to smear and destroy him, but they were no match for Trump’s policies. The people believed in him and he won. Donald Trump is the only politician I have seen, in my lifetime, that has made promises and kept every single one of them,” states Prempeh.

Entering into the political arena, Prempeh strives to be “a man who always encourages others to do the right thing and to live a moral life. We must question everything and fight for what we believe in, regardless of the circumstance… I believe in integrity, transparency, and the ability to be approachable and to treat people with reasonable fairness. We must have the ability to cut through political correctness and deliver the truth as it is without sugar coating or glossing over critical issues.”  

Prempeh has used his Congressional campaign’s platform to counter the tide of anti-American sentiment and Communist ideologues. When Utah’s Black Lives Matter chapter declared the United States flag a “symbol of hatred” for Black Americans in a Fourth of July Facebook post, Prempeh took them head-on. 

“The fact of the matter is that Black people are Americans, and Black history is American history… the flag is absolutely a part of our history…the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. And that’s what makes America great, because despite all of that, we continue to move forward. BLM statements that say the flag is divisive because a KKK member carried it, is not necessarily true…BLM and the media are conducting a giant gas-lighting campaign to try and put all Americans, all the people that are pro-America, into a box stating that that’s a hateful symbol. The flag is the opposite. The American Flag is a unifying symbol. The American Flag symbolizes all the things that have happened in this country over the past 245 years,” states Prempeh.

Prempeh’s unique immigration story, experiences as an airman, and political vision all provide the citizens of New Jersey with a special opportunity to elect a qualified and experienced leader who will bring stronger and better leadership to New Jersey’s 9th Congressional delegation. The New York Young Republican Club strongly urges all New Jersey residents living in the neighborhoods of: Paterson, Englewood, Fort Lee, Clifton, Passaic, and North Bergen, to vote in support of Billy Prempeh.