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Endorsement: Allen Mashburn for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina

By November 21, 2023No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Allen Mashburn for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.

Mashburn, a passionate and dedicated conservative leader, is a strong advocate for preserving the sanctity of life, fighting for our Second Amendment rights, championing education freedom, supporting law enforcement, and protecting our veterans and their families.

Mashburn has accumulated over 30 years of service as a pastor, leading the people of North Carolina closer to their faith. His dedication to his community and his deep commitment to policies that are rooted in a strong moral foundation makes him an ideal candidate for the people of North Carolina.

Not only does Mashburn sincerely champion policies and causes that are in alignment with the conservative movement, but he also lives according to those principles. For example, Mashburn and his wife homeschool their four children, which is a reflection on their commitment to educational freedom in a country that has continously injected more and more radicalism into our education system, harming our children. Mashburn has been fighting against this radicalism for a very long time. In 2021, he founded the “Carolina Conservatives” podcast to bring light to parents’ concerns about the social radicalism poisoning our educational curricula.

Mashburn’s commitment to conservatism is deeply admired by his community, which has allowed him to build, from scratch, an extensive and reliable network of support from prominent individuals and organizations. Mashburn is a grassroots candidate who has vowed to not succumb to pressure from the establishment and bureaucratic, self-interested politicians who fail to progress the conservative movement. Mashburn will be a breath of fresh air in this regard.

The New York Young Republican Club believes Mashburn will be a strong leader in North Carolina and encourages all registered voters of North Carolina to support Mashburn in November 2024!