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The New York Young Republican Club is thrilled to announce that we have officially obtained our own physical space in Midtown Manhattan to be used for meetings and events. This is the first time in over 60 years that the Club has had its own clubhouse. The space is more than 1,300 square feet and features exposed brick walls, hardwood floors, a vintage tin ceiling, and a skylight. It also has a private bathroom, kitchenette, and three small offices. The Board of Governors recognized the unique opportunity to secure this space for five years given the current state of the commercial real estate market in New York City.

The Clubhouse will support effective and expanding operations commensurate with the Club’s significant and accelerating growth over the past two years. We envision the space serving as a co-working space for Club members during the day, complete with an espresso bar and snacks, and at night turning into a venue for smaller and more intimate socials and cocktail parties. This is in addition to regular Club business and Board meetings now taking place out of this space.

However, in order for this space to be realized, we need support from our friends, members, and donors. Please consider supporting the Clubhouse Fund, which will help secure and finance furnishings, decor, and other necessary improvements to the space.

We aim to raise $20,000 over the next month for the Clubhouse Fund.

Note that political contributions are not tax-deductible.

$23,645 of $35,000 raised
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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time

“If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.”

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