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Steve Bannon Is No Sunshine Patriot

By July 5, 2024No Comments

From Trump’s White House to the WarRoom podcast, Steve Bannon has been the intellectual force behind the America First movement.

Sticking with Trump through thick and thin, the man is no sunshine patriot, to borrow a phrase from the great Thomas Paine.

His steadfastness paired with his erudition and political know-how has made him perhaps one of the most formidable threats to the deep state.

And when they fear you, they go after you.

Because the former Trump adviser refused to cooperate with a hyper-partisan committee of activist legislators – whose priorities are, among other things, taking down Trump and his allies – Bannon has begun his 4-month prison stint in Danbury, Connecticut.

But Bannon has never cowered or retreated in the face of political adversity. The same, sadly, cannot be said for others.

Even while in prison, Bannon will continue his patriotic defense of the America First movement. He will not supplicate for mercy, nor will he kick and scream. He is a political prisoner, unwavering in his dedication to the forgotten man.

The New York Young Republican Club stands firmly with him.