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Endorsement: Vito LaBella for New York State Senate (SD-17)

By September 29, 2022No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Vito LaBella for New York State Senator for District 17. LaBella, a retired NYPD lieutenant seeks to continue to further serve and protect his local community as New York State Senator. LaBella participates in an array of local community initiatives and education activists to organize rallies and protests. Additionally, LaBella is passionate about supporting charity groups that provide better educational opportunities for the students in NYC. For example, he co-founded Parent Leaders for Accelerated Curriculum and Education or (PLACE NYC), which promotes access to safety resources, maintaining educational standards and curriculum transparency for students and their families. LaBella knows that New York State’s educational system is in dire need of improvement to help students thrive despite their socioeconomic background. By expanding the Gifted and Talented Programs and supporting the SHSAT testing for charter schools, LaBella knows more students will have the access to challenging education programs in New York City. 

LaBella seeks to “restore the balance in New York State to chip away at the super majority up in Albany…so that we can put forth amendments to change some of the crazy legislation that some of the individuals [in Albany] have put forth.” LaBella’s 32 years on the force have given him an informed perspective on the policies and amendments necessary to enforce law and order. When in Albany, LaBella promises to fight to end cashless bail policies and hold district attorneys accountable for not enforcing the law. The New York Young Republican Club strongly urges all New York voters to support Vito LaBella for New York State Senator in District 17.