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Endorsement: Paul Rodríguez for New York State Comptroller

By February 28, 2022No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club proudly endorses Paul A. Rodríguez for New York State Comptroller. Rodríguez has maintained a career in many of the premier financial services firms on Wall Street, where individual families and large conglomerates have been relying on his expertise. After his time on Wall Street, Mr. Rodríguez accepted a position in the Archdiocese of New York’s office to leverage his financial prowess to give back to the community, and to further advance the mission of the Catholic Church. 

As the first Hispanic nominee for the Republican Comptroller seat, Rodríguez seeks to use his knowledge from the private sector to fight for the interests of New York’s residents and taxpayers. The “one-party Democrat rule and their out-of-control socialist spending” is the key issue Rodríguez articulates and seeks to challenge as New York Comptroller. 

Preceding his career on Wall Street, Rodríguez served as a Midshipman in the Naval ROTC program at Northwestern University, and studied Economics at the University of Georgia, and Stanford University. As a former Executive Board member of the Brooklyn-Kings County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, as well as the Manhattan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rodríguez identifies a need for checks and balances within the Democrat Party rule in New York State, and supports an end to the corruption in Albany. Rodríguez promises to be a “watchdog” for New York taxpayers. 

Rodríguez was the President of the New York Young Republican Club in the early to mid-2000s. The New York Young Republican Club strongly urges all New York voters to support Paul A. Rodríguez for New York State Comptroller.