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NYYRC Wins Club of the Year Award

By August 11, 2021No Comments

On August 14th, the New York Young Republican Club will be recognized for our achievements over the past year with the Club of the Year Award presented by the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs.

Despite the draconian COVID-19 lockdowns and the myriad obstacles that come with them, the New York Young Republican Club was steadfast in meeting all goals and milestones we set for ourselves. In July 2021, we surpassed 700 members, and are well on track to reaching 1,000 members. Our growing membership base forms the backbone of our Club’s ability to expand our reach. This acceleration in growth could only be achieved by our outstanding work in politics, whether it be hosting events, deployments, or rallies.

To highlight a few noteworthy occasions, in June 2020, we co-organized the “Save Teddy Rally,” which drew over 300 individuals to the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History to protest the planned removal of its Teddy Roosevelt statue and to defend his dignity and our shared American history from the desecration of leftist revisionists. The Club was featured in national and local publications and news outlets, including Fox News, The New York Post, National Review, Daily Mail, and others, and the statue still stands at the entrance of the museum today. Last December, we hosted our “forbidden” 108th Gala in Jersey City. We hosted keynote speakers Congressman Matthew L. Gaetz II and Project Veritas founder James E. O’Keefe III. Despite the event being compliant with all relevant COVID-19 restrictions, we still drew criticism from radical local Democrats, including the governors of both New York and New Jersey, and the left-wing media.

Additionally, to help facilitate our operations, the NYYRC established a Clubhouse in early 2021 in Manhattan. This is no small feat as real estate in New York City is anything but cheap. Despite this hurdle, we secured a 1,300-square-foot space where we safely host club events and conduct our business and meetings. The space can accommodate up to 80 guests, has breakout rooms for private meetings, and has a classy art deco look. We are the only Young Republican club to have a clubhouse.

Some remaining noteworthy achievements include our new merch store, the revival of our monthly publication “The Record,” and the founding of caucuses, that act independently and are affiliated with the club. These include the Hispanic Conservative Caucus, Asian American Caucus, and Uniformed Servicemembers Caucus, which foster safe spaces and political action within their respective demographics.

We are proud of our accomplishments and hope that our selfless work will inspire Young Republicans in New York and throughout the nation, especially in blue cities and states, to stand up and fight to preserve our values for the betterment of the greatest country on Earth: the United States of America.