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Endorsement: Dave Franklin for State Senate (SD-7)

By September 8, 2020No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Dave Franklin for New York State’s 7th Senate District seat. A Port Washington resident and community leader for the past 33 years, Dave has served as the elected civilian Police Commissioner for the past nine years after a 40-year career as an operations technician at HBO. In addition to organizing food and PPE drives for local residents during the height of COVID-19 earlier this year, Dave is a staunch advocate for reforming the disastrous Bail “Reform” bill passed in 2019, supporting local job growth and stemming the exodus of New Yorkers via better tax policy, and promoting the growth of vocational schools to provide opportunities for young adults beyond the accumulation of debilitating debt in traditional liberal arts programs. With an incumbent whose voting record has jeopardized the safety of District 7 residents, as well as prevented additional aid to local small business owners during COVID, Dave’s demonstrated community leadership, selfless public service, and private business experience will serve the District well. The New York Young Republican Club urges all voters within New York’s 7th Senate District to stop the advance of Communism and hyper-partisanship by supporting Dave Franklin to be their next State Senator.