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Endorsement: Marjorie Greene for Congress (GA-14)

By August 9, 2020No Comments

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to endorse Marjorie Greene for Georgia’s 14th Congressional District. As a conservative wife, mother, and business owner who has long stood with President Trump, Marjorie is a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights and strong national border security. In addition to fighting the rise of socialism within Washington, DC, she aims to end taxpayer-funded abortion and supports a balanced federal budget, an oft-forgotten economic imperative. Furthermore, at a time of rising anti-law enforcement rhetoric and unmitigated social unrest, Marjorie stands with our officers in uniform and is a writing contributor to the publication Law Enforcement Today.

Marjorie and her husband of 23 years own and operate a commercial construction and renovation business, as well as a successful CrossFit gym in her hometown, where they have raised three children together. Her energetic, entrepreneurial work ethic, strong family values, and faithful support of our Constitutional rights will serve residents of GA-14 well, and all Americans will benefit from her fearless leadership. Marjorie’s willingness to stand for her conservative beliefs is needed in Washington now more than ever before. The New York Young Republican Club urges all voters within Georgia’s 14th Congressional District to stop the advance of socialism and support Marjorie Greene as their Congresswoman.